I think that the Rorschach Inkblot
test is a very interesting method for evaluating people. According to the test,
most of my answers were classified in the good or commonly answered category.
Although some of my answers fell in the good category some of my other answers
fell in the bad category. I don’t believe though that it is the most accurate
way to evaluate people. For example, I think you would have to consistently be
categorized in the insane category to actually categorize someone as insane.
Just because you have one or two things in the insane category, I do not think
that would be enough to classify you as an insane person. Just take a look at
when we did these tests in class. On a few of the questions, some of the
answers kids gave fell into categories like mentally defective, schizophrenic,
and even paranoid and horrified, but I do not think any of the kids that
answered these questions this way are any of those things. That is why the test
might be slightly inaccurate because you cannot base people on how they
answered one question and I think for this test to work they would have to be
consistent on all of the questions that they answer.