Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Migration is when people move from one place to another. Some people chose to migrate away from a place; others are forced to migrate from an area. There are many reasons that people may migrate. Some have to leave because of things like their job; others may have to leave their home because of disasters such as war. The reasons why people leave their home land are known as push factors and pull factors. Migration is also related to globalization because it is bringing many different people together as they are constantly moving to different parts of the world.

Push factors are things that push people away from a place. There are many different forms of push factors. In most cases people have no choice but to leave their home. One of the reasons that someone may be pushed out of a place is because of economic issues. If the economy in a place is bad and many people are living in poverty and without jobs, they may be forced to leave to try and find a new career somewhere else. War is another big reason why someone may be pushed out of a place. If a place is unsafe to live most people will have to leave.

While push factors are causing people to leave their home land, pull factors are what bring the immigrants to a new place. Pull factors are the positive things about a place that would make people want to move there.  Living standards influence where people want to live. Most people want to live in a place with a higher standard of living. Shortage of labor may also bring immigrants to an area. Jobless immigrants will move to a place with a labor demand just to get a job.

Like I said before, migration closely relates to globalization because it brings people together from all over the world. Many different people, with many different cultures, from many different places are always on the move spreading their customs and beliefs to new parts of the world. Like in the film “God Grew Tired of Us”, as many Sudanese immigrants came to America, they also brought their way of life and taught many Americans about their culture and how they lived back in their homeland of Sudan.

People are constantly migrating from one place to another for many different reasons whether it be because of push factors or pull factors. Migration plays a very important part in the spreading of cultures and brings people all over the world together.